The Incredible Human Journey
O documentário científico de cinco episódios da BBC escritos e apresentados pela anatomista, osteoarqueóloga, antropóloga, paleopatóloga, apresentadora televisiva e escritora inglesa Alice May Roberts nos fala sobre os indícios da teoria da origem recente africana.
The BBC five-episode science documentary written and presented by the English anatomist, osteoarchaeologist, anthropologist, paleopathologist, television presenter, and author Alice May Roberts tells us about the evidence for theory of early human migrations.
1. Out of Africa
Roberts introduz a ideia que análises genéticas sugerem todos humanos modernos descenderem de africanos.
Roberts introduces the idea that genetic analysis suggests that all modern human are descended from Africans.
2. Asia
Roberts visita uma comunidade indígena siberiana isolada e questiona como africanos antigos se adaptaram ao clima hostil do norte asiático, e por que asiáticos parecem tão diferentes de africanos.
Roberts visits an isolated Siberian community of indigenous people and wonders how ancient African could have adapted to the hostile climate of norther Asia, and why Asian people look so different from Africans.
3. Europe
Roberts descreve as várias ondas de humanos anatomicamente modernos que se instalaram no continente europeu, e visita Gibraltar, o último sítio conhecido ocupado por neandertais. Ela sugere que a principal diferença entre estes e o Homo sapiens foi a recente habilidade de criar arte, e visita pinturas de caverna em Lascaux.
Roberts describes the various waves of anatomically modern humans that settled the continent of Europe, and visits Gibraltar, the last known site occupied by Neanderthals. She suggests that the principal difference between them and Homo sapiens was the latter's ability to create art, and visits the cave paintings at Lascaux.
4. Australia
Roberts discute os indícios do Mungo Lake, cujos restos presumem humanos chegarem à Austrália muito antes de chegarem à Europa.
Roberts discusses the evidence of the Mungo Lake remains, which suggest that humans reached Australia long before they reached Europe.
5. The Americas
Roberts descreve teorias sobre como humanos transporam da Ásia às Américas, questionando como o conseguiram durante a Era do Gelo, quando a rota para a América do Norte estava bloqueada por muros de gelo.
Roberts describes theories about how humans traversed from Asia to the Americas, wondering how they achieved it during the Ice Age, when the route to North America was blocked by ice walls.
ils datent de quand ? car depuis on a fait des découvertes en Chine , qui ne rémettent pas en cause cette théorie , mais elle semble plus complexe maintenant
Salut, mon amie ! Ils datent de 2009, mais cette théorie est toujours la plus acceptée.
I’m not sure ,we don’t know enough today to be affirmatif I’m sure they must searched the deeper layers of the basement ,to find more old cranes
Il serait étonnant si une partie de nos êtres était venue d’une autre civilization. Mais je me demande s’il y a quelque civilization sciéntifiquement développée pour faire un voyage à traves les étoiles rapidement. Je me demande si c’est vraiment possible pour un objet physique.
je me suis toujours posé la question !! il est possible qu’ils aient ensemencé la terre a kind Terraformaçãoção
C’est toujours une possibilité étonnante !
ah ah pour moi ouiet alors …. Dieu serait il un Alien ..revenu voir si son expérience avait réussi 😆
If we had come from another planet, it would not mean that there is not any creator. But really everything that’s from the outside’s an alien.
we don’t go from other planet ! we are from this planet ! only a possibility than aliens give a particule of oxygen to the earth or a cell in the sea, necessary to make the first amoebaMaybe human in long long past had seen a vaisseau with aliens and say ” it’s a God with angels “sorry Claudio i délirium is into me 😆
:lol:But both they and we would still be a product of the Creation. We cannot create things, we can transform them or help them becoming transformed. We cannot turn them into part of the Universe ex nihilo.God and the spirits are not physically proved because they are not physical. How can you explain to a permanently blinded person from birth how the red color is? This way, God will never be really proved, there will be no enough information.
yes I agree , we are only able to transformed FROM something , but it’s not for this reason we will be a product from the creation ( which implies a creator)I say maybe yes ,maybe not ! all is possible and why indeed the red should be red ? red is a word and our vision
Maudy Piot : “Je sens les couleurs par le toucher. Bien sûr, ce n’est pas aussi précis qu’un voyant mais quand je touche un tissu, je sens s’il est dans les sombres ou dans les clairs. “it’s difficult because the blind is surrounded people which say him , this object is red ,the grass is green etc interessant here
Red is only a color, but for a person who has never seen it, it would be like something from another dimension, a visual dimension. It would be hard for this person to understand, to feel this color like we do. If everybody was blind, the most logical thing would be believing that there were no colors. Colors would be only a desire of existing something beyond the darkness. 😉
Yes, that’s very interesting. Merci, mon amie. :up:
:coffee: ? one more ?:coffee: :bye:
Oh, please! :coffee: :coffee::bye:
:no: tu vas être très excité!!! veux tu aller réveiller les morts ?
there is a sens ? which ? 😆
In none of the senses!
:faint: Sorry! In my mind I had read “réveiller” as “to visit”, because it reminded me of my Portuguese “rever”, which means “to see again”, “to visit”. In that case, the two senses of visiting the dead would be going to a cemetery for visiting graves or dying. But “réveiller” means “to wake up”. I forgot. :faint:Today is “Dia de Finados”, when some people go to cemeteries for visiting the graves of their loved ones.You got me confused! :jester:
oh I know you can’t wake up deads !!! not yet … :whistle: i don’t want to confuse you :devil:
😆 a bit confuse ?
😆 Very!
good :devil: bye bye good night my friend :faint:
:yes: :hat:
:jester: Have a good night!