Why should we study that?
The studies about the tectonic plates movements and climatic changes are crucial for our life on Earth.
It's not only a simple planet, but a living world, a world in continuous movement, thus, continuous changes. It's also a fragile world that needs care. It's the only living world ever known. Detail is essential.
By studying how physical and climatic events affect this living world, we can learn how to deal with its fragile equilibrium.
Life takes numberless years to emerge. Some changes, too.
Now picture a very small insect that lives in a tree. Its life cycle lasts only two weeks. If that little insect is a summer insect, during its whole lifetime, it will have never witnessed any significative change in its home, like, for example, the winter's arrival. The same goes for the relationship among humans and Earth . That's why it's so important to have the help of new generations. The more we know, the more we'll be ready for the future. Fortunately, insects know how to act when winter arrives.
Brazil and earthquakes
Brazil is far enough from the edges of the South American tectonic plate:
Brazil is also on an area where the plate has a thickness of about two hundred kilometers, and, therefore, high-intensity earthquakes are absolutely rare. That doesn't mean that Brazil is safe at all, because there are many faults that leave it vulnerable to earthquakes, even though, if compared to other South American neighbors, with low intensity. Take a look:
Hey Claudio. Te felicito. Esto luce espectacular. Lo grabaré en mi pendrive para disfrutarlo al llegar a casa.Te comento on topic al volver.
Bueno! Muchas gracias, Teresa. Estoy muy contento por tuyas palabras! Muito obrigado :yes: !Muitíssimo obrigado.
Excellent info, my friend. Well done. I love your illustration about the cricket, jejeje, we could think of crickets, couldn’t we? Anyways, your words remind me a quote from an ancient book… “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers.” And this was written down 700 years before the Christ birth. :happy:
Bueno :yes:
Ah… estamos orgullosos de ti! Allá en The Lunarist’s sidebar tienes un link a este post. Gracias por la contribución, nuestro joven corresponsal en Brasil. :yes:
That’s good that what I’ve wrote reminds you this so ancient quote! down 700 before Christ!Cricket? Yes, we could think of cricket. HeheheThank you so much for your compliments, Venezuelan friend :up: Gracias
Holla.If you look at world weather maps you will see Brasil is prominent on the Wisconsin satellite product.Also Venezuela, both:http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/data/comp/latest_cmoll.gifMPEG formatAniS Java formatLook how large air masses move through Brazil.Then see where they go on this image:http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/charts/viewer/index.shtml?type=mslp-precip&tz=AEDT&area=SH&model=GAfter carefully observing where the low pressure ends up (at the moment it splits into 3 separate lows at around 100 degrees East) you will be able to see where the next earthquakes are going to be.If they end up on Antarctica in the same place, they may produce the quakes in the same place?Let us know what you find out.***Holla.Si nos fijamos en los mapas del tiempo el mundo podrá ver Brasil ocupa un lugar destacado en el producto por satélite Wisconsin.También Venezuela, que:http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/data/comp/latest_cmoll.gifformato MPEGAniS formato JavaMira cómo las grandes masas de aire se mueven a través de Brasil.Luego ver donde van en esta imagen:http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/charts/viewer/index.shtml?type=mslp-precip&tz=AEDT&area=SH&model=GDespués de una cuidadosa observación de que la baja presión termina (en el momento en que se divide en tres bajas por separado en torno a 100 grados Este) que será capaz de ver donde los terremotos próximos van a ser.Si terminan en la Antártida en el mismo lugar, pueden producir los sismos en el mismo lugar?Háganos saber lo que descubres.
Originally posted by Weatherlawyer:MPEG formathttp://www.ssec.wisc.edu/data/comp/cmoll/cmoll.mp4I forgot you can’t just copy text with the links in.
Intersting. Okay, thank you, Weatherlawyer
Too much home-work?I tend to go too far all at once. But you will enjoy it all when you start learning.What you have to watch out for is that it might take over your life.
Much home-work? No.I understand you, Weatherlawyer. I know that will be good but I do not know what I have to do
Ah.First you must learn all you can.Then you must decide what interests you.Then you must decide if you would like to know more.Then you must find out if it is worth pursuing for a living or if it will always remain a hobby.Then you may do what you wish.Lastly, when you have settled in (maybe when you are in your twenties) you can start thinking for yourself:Why this and not that?Then you will begin to see the inner workings of a massive wheel and all its tiny parts.
Thank you so much, Weatherlawyer. What you said is very important. I will keep thy words. I love to learn, to discover more and more. Always learn and discover new things about our cultures, our songs, our world, our universeBut what I meant is that I don’t know what I have to do to know where a new earthquake will happen. I don’t have enough data about this, to know this
I didn’t understood:confused:??? what did you meant?
Aha.I mean no harm. It is the motto of only one science:First do no harm.Think what monsters we have become because physics has no such qualms.Nor chemistry.I am not going to tell you how to use Brazilian tools because I don’t know what they are.I will instead tell you only what I now. The Atlantic Sea Level Air Pressure Charts and what it means.Go now and find today’s. For it shows a large cyclone in the gap between Europe and Greenland.The same cyclone there at any time, means a tropical storm is also running.I forecast it one day this spell. Then the next I said no there will be no spell because of the earthquake.Now go and see what type of and earthquake it turned out to be. Tell me if you have ever seen the like of “it”.I have been up all night and have only had a couple of hour’s sleep so I am going to get some rest for a few hours now. I am about to conk-out.I will post more on the Lunartist chart site.Have fun.
Arm yourself against fools then and I shall tell you.
Originally posted by Weatherlawyer:Let me see if I can find you a picture of the Northern Hemisphere that shows its Isobars with more resolution.Here it is the second chart down:http://wxmaps.org/pix/hemi.00hr.htmlThe opposite side of the earth is here:http://wxmaps.org/pix/shemi.00hr.htmlFind the dark blue mass nearest the North Pole. That is the one that is the same as the MetOffice map shows. It lies between Greenland and Norway.You can make out Spain and Portugal in the chart. Draw a line up from Portugal and it goes through that blue blob on to the Pole itself.***When the tropical depressions: Eight and Ethyl disperse, they will go down to the South Pole. You can watch them do it on the charts from the same site.I showed them to you in my earlier posts to this thread. But you can easily find them again on here:http://wxmaps.org/pix.html
When the North Atlantic Oscillation is negative; that is when the air masses are weak, maximum high and low pressures are nearer 1016 millibars than they can be on other occasions.When that happens in summer hurricanes travel north instead of west and they go straight into the Arctic via the same route this storm is going to take.Except this is winter and when this storm splits into two or three it will go east.Pity.But you still have some southern storms to watch.
I think that you will not be able to see those charts in all their gloory with an internet phone. You will not be able to see the next ones, the Northern Hemisphere charts form Canada.Let me see if I can find you a picture of the Northern Hemisphere that shows its Isobars with more resolution.
When the storms in the Northern hemispher try to totate the way they do in the couthern hemisphere, they are stymied by their attraction to land. And by the fact that the middle of the Arctic has the rest of the Mid Atlantic ridge running through it.Instead of going to the Pole they will go to rest in the large bays in the Arctic. In summer when temperatures permit they split into three in the Norwegian sea and one goes to the mouth of the Lena river, One goes to the mouth of the Mackenzie and one goes I forget ewhere. Maybe Norway?Maybe the Baltic takes it’s share early?I do not know.After that for reasons I don’t yet understand, I think we will get three or so many pairs or triplets of earthquakes.***OR.It may just be a coincidence that the tectonic plates were going to burp after mating anyway and it just suited them to do so when those Lows embedded themselves when and where they did.Do you have computers in school?
Okay, thanks for all, Weatherlawyer. After I’ll read all with atention and calm when I back. Now I need to go. Yes, I have computers in my school but I’m in vacations (is summer here)Thank you so much
Originally posted by ClaudioAlb:Yes, I have computers in my school but I’m in vacations (is summer here)No matter.You can learn enough with your phone now to astonish you classmates when you return and are able to forecast earthquakes and tropical storms.Maybe your geography teacher will let you do a project on it for the school paper or whatever Brazilian schools have for a newsletter these days.
You will have to be sure of yourself by then of course for if you make one tiny mistake they will shoot you down in flames.On a larger screen you can see more clearly what is happening and you can save images and highlight them, even use a photo-shop tool to make things clearer.
I read slowly and carefully to what you wrote. I also saw the graphs that you gave me. Everything that you said is very interesting. Thanks for explaining me what you know. Thanks for the graphs too :up:
Good luck.
Thank you so much
I had not seen this page , Claudio! Finally images! :yes: @ Lastly, when you have settled in (maybe when you are in your twenties) you can start thinking for yourself , Why this and not that?I don’t know if Weatherlawyer talking about life or about this pageWhy 20 years? I think you can begin to think for yourself even before ! 14 years is a good year
all our life we are conditioned , even if we changed our thinking in adolescence and it’s differently than beforefor the work is other thing …
You begin to think for yourself from the cradle but we also get conditioned by our family, friends, cultures and politics.You are in mortal danger from brainwashing at school. Then you have to conform to work practices, then you begin to find your feet.But I have a 100% totally different point of view to contemporary earth sciencew.My stuff works. I don’t get paid to think conventional thoughts. I just do this for fun, interest and overwhelming desire to find out what is going on.Believe me, I did try to make sense of alternative ideas.
But what happens in schools is that regardless of what is right and wrong, the teacher has to get his children through certain hoops.Stuff they may not have thought about will be presented as fact. And when it comes to geology, there are so very few facts.All earthquakes have to take place below or very near 5 miles or the pressure of water near that depth in order for the water to be able to dissolve rock. To do that it has to be a liquid steam. And at a temperature pressure phase change that make the solute unstable/stable.Otherwise earthquake would make holes in the surface of the earht.They never do.All I ask is: Why?All that stuff above is impossible and improbable yet it is considered cutting edge science. You might want to ask why. And why we can forecast weather but not quakes.Take a look at the pressure systems in Antarctica when there is a quake. They alway occur when a Deep Low hits the continent. And this last one actually fed through Brazil.When I am organised I will post a link and also some files that I saved of a few weather model runs showing it occurring. Meanwhile, you might find some reference to the situation on this thread:Edit to fix link:http://my.opera.com/Are-You-a-Lunarist-like-Myself/albums/showpic.dml?album=10717872&picture=141335582#comment81412732It got a bit side-tracked by the end of it but it is about the way the patterns run down from the Equator to the South Pole.When it gets there there is always a quake. When it gets to a certain bay like the Ross Ice Shelf it curves around on itself because of the shape of the land and makes a big increase in the pressure “gradient”.The Low then has to rise 3 miles over the surface of the ice and something in that process sends a shockwave underground to the epicentre.It can’t be much but it is evidently enough.Unless someone finds out differently.Fancy having a go?
sorry but your link is Forbidden for me !!already in French ….but it is complicated even more in English ,because it’s complexe than you had said :awww:
Sorry about that. It was copied from the “subscriptions” tab.Here’s the link again:http://my.opera.com/Are-You-a-Lunarist-like-Myself/albums/showpic.dml?album=10717872&picture=141335582#comment81412732
it’s only the sujet of your page , disasters , pressures …etc ! they are difficult to understand in french , in english it’s more difficult ! but I see your are a enthusiast ,passionate
Sorry.I am not organised at all and I lost a load of files the information that is stuck on a half dead drive.Let me get back to you.
Hey Cat, please… Take heart, we all are learning over there. None master by the way. Just a funny learning process.
ok thanks but it’s too difficult for me
Originally posted by opcat:I see your are a enthusiast ,passionateSome people say I am a kook.But it is them who are all wrong, all of them. I just have foam coming out of my mouth because of allergies.
no kook ! each have our favorite hobbyinevitably you know all the sites about chartshttp://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Maps/region/N_America_eqs.phphere more détailshttp://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usc0007uzf.php#maps
Hey, Teresa…I lost another hard drive and all the charts I was collecting. I don’t suppose you were downloading the Antarctic charts before the recent quake?I have some from 2nd Feb on. Everything has gone to pot here and I am sure the situation is still bad as the weather is unusual here and I am off my rocker again.Back pain, gout, stiffness and unable to do anything properly.And using a half dead computer.So:Situation Normal here Am Fed Up.Make my day, tell me my amanuensis has pulled me out of the frying pan.
Hey you all, I was reading the conversation of you all. Thanks for the interstings informations, Weatherlawyer :up: I love these things and subjects. Thanks for the linksHey Catse, merci beacoup pour ta visite ici et merci aussi pour des liens que tu donner à moi :yes: (desolé mon bad français, friend Catse de France
)Hola, Teresa ! Gracias también, amiga de Venezuela :yes: bom ler as tuas palavras aqui de novo tambémObrigado vocês três adultos
Hola de nuevo! :D¿Qué has estado haciendo todos estos días de ausencia, Claudio?
Sim, estou bem e agora melhor ainda! Tuas palavras me deixaram muito feliz! Gracias, Teresa!Me gusta cuando me llamas de amiguitoAh, estou lendo “Mago de Oz” em espanhol. Sei que é um livro infantil, mas acho muito bonita a maneira dos textos em espanhol. O espanhol usa termos belos que infelizmente deixaram de existir em português… Gosto muito de ler em espanhol! O espanhol tem uma beleza que deixou de existir no português brasileiro…Sí. Nuevamente en contacto y eres muy gentil :happy:Buenas noches amiga de Venezuela
Hola !Perdão, Teresa. O motivo da minha ausência durante todos estes dias é que ocorreu um problema com o meu celular, onde eu usava a internet e então ele quebrou e estou sem usar a internet como usava antes… Sinto muita falta por não poder conversar com vocês e perguntar como vão vocês… Não posso comprar outro celular tão breve… Mas isso não é problema para mim, pois de qualquer forma se eu tivesse internet, eu não teria muito tempo para usá-la, pois tenho muita coisa para estudar na escola. Sinto falta mesmo é de vocês, meus amigos daqui…Desculpe, meu tempo está acabando. Eu Tenho que log off…Boa noite, Teresa. Espero que todos vocês estejam bem. Boa noite !Até mais :up:
Okay. Gracias por ponernos al tanto de tu vida.Da gusto saber que estás bien y ocupado en tus estudios.Cuídate de mantenerte así. Me dió un gusto leerte, mi amiguito de Brasil :DEstamos en contacto…