Hoje, primeiro de setembro de 2012, por volta das 11:15 da manhã, ocorreu um fenômeno ótico que criou um anel com as cores do arco-íris em torno do Sol. O fenômeno, conhecido como halo, surge na presença de nuvens cirrostratus, que são nuvens formadas a cerca de cinco a dez mil metros de altura, na troposfera superior do planeta. O anel surge devido à incidência dos raios solares sobre minúsculas partículas de gelo. Ao incidir sobre as partículas de gelo, a luz solar é refratada por elas, dispersando-se, formando assim um feixe de luz com as cores do espectro, assim como acontece a um arco-íris.
O halo começou a desintegrar-se e o arco começou a desaparecer. O fenômeno findou por volta das 14:15, ou seja, durou no mínimo três horas.
Halos são raros se levarmos em conta o número de vezes em que ocorrem no mesmo local. Mas se levarmos em conta todos os halos que ocorrem por todo o mundo, são bem mais frequentes que eclipses, por exemplo.
Para mim foi bom ter presenciado um halo hoje. Pena que os halos passam muito rapidamente.
Se quiser ver mais fotos, clique aqui.
nothing at all !!! Have you seen that Voyager is out solaris system ( systéme solaire) now it can meet other civilsisation IF ….
Yes, I know.:lol: Ckaudio? Some babies call me like that. Cáudio.Dors bien, Catse.
oups sorry CK audio is not a good name
CLaudio is better
the great Claudius is encore mieux with a couronne de Laurier of course
I would prefer a crown of thorns rather than being a Roman Emperor.
are you fool ! a crown of angel ,yes !
:eyes: what a pretentious you are !!! you want to replace the king Charles maybe
:jester: Why not?
i think it’s not a very interesting work :whistle:
You are right. Specially during Middle Ages. Run away! They want to burn you with a torch!They were scary.
king Charles at the middle ages ? :devil: never the king Charles could burned an holy !!!
good night my friend :zzz:
it’s not the king , the holy , but the saint Jehanne burned by the english ! :irked: :furious: oh inquisition are made by the the kings , church, the pope and the powerful religious !!! a politic story too :knight:
I know. That’s why I hate those times. What a bad joke they were!
an horrible joke yes ! and so stupid , how many years have been lost with them
Many years, many lives. I’m lucky for living nowadays. Those monsters haven’t power over my life.Now, let’s talk about the present. It’s a sunny Sunday here, in Brazil. Perfect for this song:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7w5TsVOoQIGood afternoon, my French friend!
so typically Brésilian for me !! surely like our french songs are typically french !
douce chanson but “se a gente se casar domingo” wait Claudio you have the time for that !!! live before :whistle:
good think ! wait friday !
I can understand your language ! oui no it’s the lyrics than I have found and translate (well a bit … much .. google ) :devil:
Oui, doce canção. And you also have good typical songs. :D:lol: So, I’ll take your advice. I won’t marry this Sunday.Can you understand my language? :eyes:
Friday, yes! :lol:You cheated me for a while! All right. But you could also buy a good dictionary. :yes:
why ? there are some portugais in my village and at the café but they all speak french without this charming accent :)and it’s more easy with google have a good night charming accent
Really? Wow, that’s interesting!:p Charming accent? Oh, thank you! You too. Ouh là là, French people has a very charming accent. Dors bien !
Here, you will hear a Brazilian imitating a French accent. She’s Madame Thérèse (Adriana Ridolfi):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIGj59xbICc“Ouh là là, monseigneur, ainda não está pronto?! Temos que partir em seguida, antes de chegarem. Até marquei a hora certa com o táxi. Temos que pegar o trem!”http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascinação
ah oui elle a un léger accent ! léger pour mon oreille française …par contre celle qui chante en français a un accent !!!oh yes she has a slight accent ! slight for my French ear …but this one singing in French is with an accent !:whistle: why the french woman is a prostitute with paints of nude on the wall? :irked:
But she is just a character. An evil and loved character. We don’t think French women are like that. Clara, the main character, is a prostitute too. Besides, the poor Madame Thérèse suffered a lot before becoming a French prostitute and, after, a Brazilian brothel owner.“Fascinação is a quite melodramatic, romantic story. But it tells the story of a prostitute in the 40s. The protagonist, played by Regiane Alves, is a young that, seduced by the man she loves, with no financial alternative, goes to work in a brothel as a barmaid. And she ends falling into the hands of a rascal that obligates her to become a prostitute, blackmailing the girl with her own son.”The singer is Elba Ramalho. She sings in her own way. She also speaks French in her own way.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_C7F0mD5TkOur Northeast has still a very strong connexion with French culture. In Fascinação there was a funny Northeastern character that used to pretend she was a French woman. She was one of Madame Thérèse’s best friends and apprentices.
of course it’s just a character
it’s like for us ! Elba Ramalho ( nice accent )has a strange voice by moments …. in a comedy, in general, the Brazilian is a transvestiteand if you want stéreotypes sur les français http://a2ontheroad.wordpress.com/2012/10/25/les-10-stereotypes-bresiliens-france/
wait I listen againah ah ! it’s all the song that has an accent and with a spanish and french singer ( well birth in Egypt …) ? :whistle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_pdV9w6l7s
Interesting. Dalida is new to me, but Julio Iglesias is very famous here in Brazil. He sings in Brazilian Portuguese very well:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTUEZysxUhMCoração apaixonado!
Iglesias is mondial ! I think he is singing in japonese too all that you want but I don’t like this singer too sweet !too playboy ! :no:
memories ? lesquels ? si ce n’est pas indiscret ,bien sur , de ton enfance ?
me too I prefer :p oui , on a tous des souvenirs de chansons entendues durant l’enfance , pas toujours les meilleurs , mais se sont des bons souvenirs
Mais non, tu n’est pas indiscrete. Mémoires de mon enfance, mémoires de maintenant. Je préfère Los Hermanos:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCvbmOC5EiY
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxLSZoFK8EMThis song brings me many good memories from some years ago.
ah oui ? I have not seen this film …. is it not with this film than the child , after , has problems ? why this song ?
That’s an excellent movie. The first time I heard about this movie was when I was 13. At that time, I started hearing some Indian songs. My house was being reformed. That was a good time.
your house was being reformed ? for me “reformed “it’s only for a Protestant church :whistle: Indian song , i have heard the first of them with old indian films
Reformed, reformed, reformed! Your English doesn’t matter to me! My house’s been formed again! I’ll give you a purely English word: againshaped! Can’t we againshape a house? Can’t we shape it again? :whistle:P.S.: My house isn’t Protestant. I think that’s what you were wanting to know, smart woman.
smart woman …oh no ! because I don’t understand “reformed” I hesitate between : rebuild stone by stone or the family is assembled again . Oh yes no protestant , i never have a doubt about that :coffee:
Ah, then you were just kidding. :coffee:
like every time except for the “reformed ” :irked:
a say maybe ….. I prefer silvery dreams
good week end too Claudius
:coffee: :coffee: